03 May 2018 |
On April 21st it was 15 years from the date of one of the leading companies in Aerofuels Group – Aerofuels Kamchatka LLC foundation.
Aerofuels Kamchatka refueling complex is one of the first alternative TZK on the territory of Russia built from the ground up in compliance with the Russian and international requirements. Aerofuels Kamchatka, a member of the network consisting of more than twenty four TZK, belonging to Aerofuels Group of Companies, possesses its own up-to-date refueling facilities and trained personnel, has all required certificates for jet fuel supply, and guarantees to the customer refueling with the high quality certified jet kero having passed all required laboratory tests and inspections by the advanced equipment.
20 Apr 2018 |
In late March of 2018, Aerofuels passed certification held by the State Research Institute of Civil Aviation FGUP of the Ministry of Transport of Russia within the Voluntary Certification System of the civil aviation facilities. The inspection proved full conformance of Aerofuels refueling complexes to the Russian Federation legislation requirements for services in aircrafts refueling with aviation kero, and, totally, for arrangement of air transport jet fuel supply.
Based on the company inspection results a new Certificate was issued for acceptance, storage, preparation to delivery, delivery to refueling and refueling of aircrafts in the airports of Domodedovo (Moscow) and Pulkovo (St.-Petersburg).
Aerofuels was founded in 2001 and now it is successfully operating in two large airports of Russia – Domodedovo and Pulkovo. The company guarantees to the customers, Russian and foreign air carriers, a high level of the services with the company’s own refuelers fleet being used and satisfying the national and international departmental standards. Fuel loaded in the aircraft tanks passes a strict examination in the up-to-date laboratories of quality control and conforms to the safety and environmental compatibility regulations.
26 Mar 2018 |
On March 02nd, 2018, there was an extended meeting of Urban Council of Chuvash Ministry of Construction where a sketch plan of Cheboksary air terminal building for 190 passengers/hour capital repairs was reviewed. The project was presented by R.V.Minaev, General Director of International Airport of Cheboksary (a member of Aerofuels Group of Companies).
According to the project, it is planned to enlarge total area of the air terminal complex approximately by 1400 m2, which will make it possible to improve its functional usage, to change the airport exterior and to increase comfort. The Urban Council members, participating in the discussion, as well as invited specialists approved the capital repairs architectural and color treatment offered by the sketch plan. Based on the remarks upon the façade arrangement and landscaping of the area adjoining the air terminal building, Cheboksary Administration and Chuvashgrazhdanproject JSC together with International Airport of Cheboksary and Chuvash Ministry of Transport proceed to development of relevant additional project solutions.
19 Mar 2018 |
Last year Aerofuels Group of Companies started implementation of a new program of aviation fuel deliveries to the Far East airports by the Northern Sea Route. Marine tanker transportation of oil products to the Far East by the Northern Sea Route is the most economically profitable way of aviation fuels supply to the regional refueling complexes (TZK), which makes it possible to decrease the fuel price with into-plane refueling at the expense of the transportation cost reduction, and, thus, to increase passenger and freight flow in every airport.
In 2018 Aerofuels plans to continue such deliveries of jet kero to the Far East (mainly to Sakhalin and Kamchatka) by oil tankers to achieve uninterrupted and guaranteed fuel supply to their customers, Russian and international airlines.
The Northern Sea Route is the shortest way by water from Europe to the Pacific Ocean, and the main shipping line of the Russian Arctic. According to experts’ opinion, over the coming years the Northern Sea Route will develop as a national and international transport system.
15 Mar 2018 |
In February 28th Aerofuels JSC Board of Directors meeting was held. The company is a part of Aerofuels Group of Companies and an operator of two refueling complexes (TZK) in the biggest airports of the Moscow air hub – Domodedovo and Pulkovo. Mr. A.Arzamastsev, General Director, spoke on the company operation results in 2017.
The Board of Directors remarked that the company’s activities in the past year were fruitful and successful. Thus, in the comparison with 2016, a number of Aerofuels customers has increased significantly (today there are over 50 big Russian and international air carriers), and the actual volume of the refueled jet fuel growth in Domodedovo and Pulkovo airports exceeded the planned level to 6%.
Works on technical re-equipping of TZK in Pulkovo airport were executed during the whole year. As a result, by the end of the year the volume of TZK single storage has increased to 30%. Like in Domodedovo, Aerofuels possesses not only their own fuel and lubricant depot but also a fleet of new modern refuelers, and highly qualified personnel in Pulkovo.
In 2017 a complex of activities on the company’s re-branding was successfully implemented, which makes the company strong in the aviation fuel supply market and promotes further dynamic development.
Aerofuels guarantees to their customers a high quality of the services rendered, it has all required certificates of Federal Air Transport Agency for operation in the Russian airports, and regularly passes inspections which results confirm full conformance of the air-crafts refueling to the international and Russian standards. Refueling is provided with the company’s fleet of refuelers satisfying the highest requirements. Fuel delivered to aircrafts tanks shall pass a serious inspection in the modern quality control laboratories.
26 Jan 2018 |
The International Airport of Cheboksary summarized their operation for the past year. The company, being a part of Aerofuels Group of Companies since 2016, showed great results: during 2017 the airport rendered services to 251 700 passengers, which exceeds previously planned rate of 200 thousand, and as for 2016 the growth made 52,7%.
According to The International Airport of Cheboksary press service the company achieved such growth of passenger flow mainly at the expense of new flights engaged during summer season: the airport returned summer flights to Anapa, and resumed passenger airline service to Antalya, Turkey. A number of flights to the capital grew and remained the most popular in Chuvashia In 2017. More spacious aircrafts are used in all main airlines.
The company management and team are working at the route network increase and rendered services improvement to enable residents of Chuvashia and adjoining republics to travel by air with ease.
The International Airport of Cheboksary press service: http://aerocheb.ru/
25 Dec 2017 |
 Aerofuels Ufa (a part of Aerofuels Group of Companies) prolonged the fuel and lubricant laboratory Certificate of Conformity for quality control of the aviation fuels and special fluids refueled by the company to aircrafts in the airport of Ufa. The inspection was held in December 2017 within the Voluntary Certification System of the civil aviation facilities. The document issued on December 13th, 2017, confirms that works executed by the laboratory on jet kero and special fluids quality control fully conform to the Russian norms and requirements at all stages of jet fuel supplies to aircrafts.
Today Aerofuels possesses a network consisting of 14 up-to-date certified laboratories located in the airports all over the country (from Pskov to Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky). The laboratories provide a full set of works on quality control of ÒÑ-1, ÐÒ, JetÀ-1 aviation fuels and special fluids. They meet modern industrial standards, pass all required inspections regularly and possess state certificates.
21 Dec 2017 |
 On December 20th, 2017 Aerofuels Kamchatka separate business unit in the airport of Knevichi (Vladivostok) successfully passed certification held by the State Research Institute of Civil Aviation FGUP of the Ministry of Transport of Russia within the Voluntary Certification System of the civil aviation facilities. The company confirmed conformance to the Russian legislation requirements for arrangement of jet fuel supplies for the air services, and, in particular, for a set of services in aircrafts aviation kero refueling.
Aerofuels Kamchatka refueling complex is a member of 24 TZK network belonging to Aerofuels Group of Companies. For more than fourteen years it has been successfully operating in the airport of Yelizovo (Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky), and since 2011 it has been managing TZK in the airport of Knevichi (Vladivostok). Aerofuels Kamchatka TZK refuels flights of the Russian and international airlines using its own aviation fuel for into-plane refueling, as well as up-to-date certified refuelers and equipment. The company offers to their customer profitable price conditions and a fast, high quality service compliant with all Russian and international norms and requirements.
08 Nov 2017 |
By early November 2017 Aerofuels Group of Companies has successfully completed the second stage of a large-scale rebuilding of the refueling complex in the airport of Pobedilovo (Kirov). Technical upgrading of TZK ran routinely and did not influence a normal operation of the airport on the whole and airlines continuous refueling.
The second stage upgrading of infrastructure and equipment belonging to TZK Kirov (Aerofuels Group of Companies) included oil products loading site, administrative building rooms repair, as well as running repairs of the tank farm and fuel supply line including painting, installation of new pre-explosive concentration sensors and tank loading alarms. The works executed not only take TZK Kirov equipment to a new quality level, but also significantly increase safety of the jet fuel storage in the airport and aircrafts refueling procedures.
TZK Kirov LLC has been operating in the airport of Pobedilovo since Novermber 2011. TZK is a part of the network consisting of 24 refueling complexes of Aerofuels, it has a complex of the administrative buildings, tank farm and two up-to-date refuelers. The equipment using which TZK Kirov refuels the customers is certified and meets all required current standards ensuring a high level of the jet kero quality, its loading, storage and further delivery to the refueler. Today the Russian airlines operate flights from the airport of Pobedilovo to Moscow, St.-Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Samara and other airports in Russia.
04 Oct 2017 |

On September 19th, 2017 Aerofuels Kamchatka branch operating in the airport of Khomutovo (Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk) obtained the Certificate of Conformity for air services jet fuel supplies. Certification was held by the State Research Institute of Civil Aviation FGUP of the Ministry of Transport of Russia within the civil aviation facilities Voluntary Certification System. The company confirmed conformance to the requirements for arrangement of the whole complex of services for aircrafts refueling with jet kero and anti-icing fluid according to the Federal Aviation Regulations and legislation of Russia.
26 Sep 2017 |
In September 2017, Aerofuels Group of Companies makes the first jet kero supply by their own oil loading tanker to the sea port of Magadan. Oil products tanker transportation by sea ranks below that by pipelines in economic efficiency and is more advantageous than container service, with a lower ecological risk being involved.
Aerofuels project, dealing with provision of jet kero tanker supplies to the sea port of Magadan, has received a consistent support of the Magadan Region governmental authorities and regional authorities, being, together with the business community, interested in creation of additional conditions for continuous jet fuel supply to the airport of Sokol, in fuel prices reduction in the airport and increase of freight and passenger flow in the region.
Oil loading tanker, belonging to Aerofuels Group of Companies, is operated by Aerofuels-Kamchatka LLC having supplied fuel to the refueling complexes in Kamchatka and the island of Kunashir of the Sakhalin Region for several years, and delivers light oil products to the distant northern areas. Aerofuels Magadan LLC having up-to-date refueling facilities and qualified personnel performs refueling in the airport of Sokol.
08 Aug 2017 |
On August 02nd, 2017, the refueling complex of Aerofuels operating in the airport of Domodedovo succeeded in passing a regular inspection held by IATA Fuel Quality Pool (IFQP). The main purpose was to evaluate maintaining of the fuel equipment operability status, procedures of aviation fuels supply and refueling, as well as to analyze refueling operations safety level on the territory of TZK and in the airport. In the course of inspection no incompliance or violations were found, and Aerofuels activity in the airport of Domodedovo was approved.
Refueling complex of a full-scale technological cycle in the airport of Domodedovo with Aerofuels being its operator possesses all required certificates for the aviation fuel acceptance, storage and delivery, and offers into-plane refueling service. Aerofuels serves as a good example of the alternative refueling complex successful operation in one of the largest international airports of Russia, and guarantees air carriers a high quality level fuel and a safe servicing to comply with the Russian and international standards.
14 Jul 2017 |
This spring in the Kamchatka region there was a great festival of sled dogs sports – a traditional annual Kamchatka sled dog race "Beringiya". The first race took place in 1990. That time eight dog-pulled sleds came to the track of 250 km long. Next year the track was 1980 km and it was registered in the Guinness Book of Records as the longest one in the world. Now the distance is not less than 1,1 thousand km. Each year both the race and preceding festive events get more popular not only in Russia but also abroad. This year for the first time in Beringiya history one could keep watch over dog-team drivers moving online.
Aerofuels Kamchatka company (Aerofuels Group of Companies) offered sponsorship to the festival providers in holding the whole complex of events, which was particularly noted by the Kamchatka region Governor.
The refueling complex of Aerofuels Kamchatka has been successfully operating in the airport of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky for over ten years. This complex has become the first TZK on the post-Soviet territory, greenfield construction, meeting the Russian and international standards. IATA Fuel Quality Pool (IFQP) granted the highest status of fuel operations safety – Green to the complex.
19 Jun 2017 |
On May 27th and 28th, 2017, Reebok held annual race in the park of Kolomenskoye (Moscow) called «Get human». Reebok invited anybody who wants to join in teams and go to the track of 7 km long with 13 barriers. Each year this event procedure changes and tasks get to be known to the participants only at a day of the competition. The race participants, who made 1055 teams this year, succeeded in passing strength, endurance and team spirit tests.
Aerofuels officers, enthusiasts of running and decades-long sporting traditions successors of their company, also formed a team of 6 persons, and for the first time took part in a large-scale Moscow fitness event.
We would like to congratulate our colleagues – participants of the race «Get human» who came to the track and showed a good result!
07 Jun 2017 |
On June 02nd, 2017, TZK Irkutsk and its separate subdivision in Krasnoyarsk (Aerofuels Group of Companies) received the Certificate of Conformity for air services jet fuel supplies in the airports of Irkutsk and Yemelyanovo (Krasnoyarsk). The certification was held by the State Research Institute of Civil Aviation FGUP of the Ministry of Transport of Russia within the Voluntary Certification System of the civil aviation facilities. Both companies confirmed their conformance to the requirements for arrangement of a full set of services in aircrafts aviation kero and anti-icing fluid refueling according to the Federal aviation regulations.
On the basis of the inspection results Mr V.Yu.Sannikov, Director of Scientific Centre-28 of the State Research Institute of Civil Aviation FGUP, thanked Aerofuels specialists for a high professionalism demonstrated during arrangement of the separate subdivision operation in the airport of Yemelyanovo.